Residency Information

Residency Determines Tuition Rate

Under Texas state law, students are classified as residents of Texas, non-residents, or international students. The tuition you are charged is based on your residency classification, which is determined according to the information you submit on the application. You also may be asked to provide documentary evidence that proves your Texas resident status. See Residency Documentation.

Who is a Texas Resident?

To qualify as a Texas resident, you must live in Texas for one year and establish a domicile in Texas before enrollment and you must be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. If you are claimed as a dependent on a parent’s most recent federal tax return, you will be classified based on the parent’s qualifications for residency.

Residency Classifications

General residency classifications for tuition purposes are:

  • In-district student: A Texas resident who has lived in Texas for the past 12 months and resides in the ACC District.
  • Out-of-district student: A Texas resident for the past 12 months who does not reside in the ACC District.
  • Out-of-state student: A U.S. citizen who has not lived in Texas for the past 12 months.
  • International student: A non-U.S. citizen who is not a resident alien.

Your residency classification is based on rules and regulations established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. If you have questions about residency, contact the Admissions and Enrollment Office.

Returning Students and Dual Credit Program Graduating Seniors

If you are returning to ACC after a one-year absence, or you are a recent high school graduate who was enrolled in ACC classes while in high school, you must complete the e-form.

Military Affiliated Students

Military affiliated students are subject to the State of Texas residency determination rules and regulations.  Additional information can be found on the College for all Texans website.  

Address Change 

If your current address is within the ACC District, you must officially update your address with the college before the published deadline. This is required before tuition status can be adjusted. Residency documentation must be submitted to the Admissions and Enrollment Office. Any residency status revisions submitted after the published deadline becomes effective the following term. All P.O. box addresses are classified as out of district.  A physical mailing address is required for in-district tuition classification.  

Undocumented Students

Texas law (Senate Bill 1528) allows you to qualify for Texas residency status, and if you are an undocumented student who lived in Texas for the 36 months before completing your high school diploma or GED. To be eligible, you must:

  • Graduate from a Texas high school or receive your GED in Texas.
  • Live in Texas for at least three consecutive years before graduating from high school.
  • Live in Texas 12 months before enrolling in a college or university.
  • Declare your intention to file for permanent residency when you become eligible.

To apply for residency status, submit the Senate Bill 1528 affidavit (PDF) to any campus Admissions and Enrollment Office.

Learn More

Go to Residency Status Questions & Answers for more information.

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