Congrats, Grads!
Austin Community College wants to help you celebrate your achievements. On this page, find GIFs, photo frames, and more to share on social media.
Snap a photo — add an effect — tag your family and friends, and add #ACCgrads to join the conversation and our commencement celebration social wall.
#ACCGrads Gifs, Filters, and Frames
We created special ACC graduation filters and frames so you can personalize your pictures and let the world know you graduated. Tag them with #ACCGrads and #ACC4Everyone
Share it on Facebook!
Update your profile photo and use our story frames on your Facebook posts.
Step 1: Visit the Change Your Profile Picture Facebook page.
Step 2: Search for “Austin Community College” (if ACC’s frames are not already displaying).
Step 3: Select a frame, position and scale it.
Step 4: Click “Use as Profile Picture” and you’re all set!
Post it on Instagram Stories
Step 1: Open our Instagram Story filter with Instagram!
Step 2: Tag us at @accdistrict.
Step 3: Join our commencement social feed with #ACCgrads.
Step 4: Post!
Post it on X
On X, you can add a grad cap to your Display Name.
Step 1: In your X profile, click the “edit profile” button.
Step 2: In the “name” field, add the grad cap emoji at the end of your name.
Step 3: Save, and you’re good to go.
To celebrate a graduate — tag your posts with #ACCGrads