Other Visa Types

The information below applies to students who lawfully reside in the United States as a temporary worker, diplomat, exchange visitor, under temporary protective status, or other immigrant type. View application deadlines.

Submit the following required documents if you currently maintain lawful status in the U.S. with any of the following:

A, E, G, H, I, J, K, L, O, R, TD, TN, U, and V visas;

Dependent visa holders: If you maintain a dependent visa from the list above, in addition to your application documents, you must submit the following documents from the primary visa holder:

  • Visa (must be valid)
  • Proof of employment

Documents Required for Other Visa Type Students

Upload the required application documents directly into your application profile, with clear PDF scans of each document, into the categories below. Where multiple forms and documents are required, ensure you scan all documents into one PDF file to upload into the appropriate category. Your application will not be complete until all supplemental documents are received.

Requirements for Other Visa Types

Document Instructions Access Form
Visa or F-2 Status USCIS Approval Notice
If applicable, for J-1 or J-2 Visa Holders: Form DS2019
Photocopy all current and previous Form DS2019s Provided by student
Unofficial college/university transcript See Transcripts and Translation Services. Provided by school attended
Unofficial high school transcript Not required if you attended college. See Transcript and Translation Services. Provided by school attended
Application Fee — Temporarily waived $100, one-time only, nonrefundable Upload email receipt once paid. Provided by student
Form I-797 Notice of Action, if applicable Submit photocopies if you have an application pending with immigration of I-797 (I-130, I-485, I-589, I-539). Provided by student
Employment Authorization Document (Card), if applicable Photocopy of EAD (front and back). Submit if you currently or have previously received authorization to work in the United States. Provided by student

Submit the Following Documents from the Primary Visa Holder (for Each Dependent)

Additional Documents from Primary Visa Holder Instructions Access Form
Visa or Visa Status USCIS Approval Notice Photocopy Provided by student
Proof of Employment or F-2 Dependent I-20 Document

If applicable: Primary J-1 visa holder: Form DS2019

Submit current paycheck stub or an employment letter on official letterhead that includes a recent date and signature of company official.

Photocopy of all current DS2019s.

Provided by student

Continue with Application Requirements

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