Welcome to Spring 2025, Riverbats! Get First Week Tips.

GPA Calculator

Use the following online calculator to find your current semester GPA and
overall GPA.

The GPA calculation is just an estimate. It does NOT represent your
official grades. Talk to your advisor if you are unsure how to use it or
have any questions.

Current semester grades

Enter the number of credits, and letter grade you will receive or expect
to get for each course. Withdrawals (W) do not count.

Use the following online calculator to find your current semester GPA and
overall GPA.

The GPA calculation is just an estimate. It does NOT represent your
official grades. Talk to your advisor if you are unsure how to use it or
have any questions.

Current semester grades

Enter the number of credits, and letter grade you will receive or expect
to get for each course. Withdrawals (W) do not count.

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4

Class 5

Class 6

Class 7

Class 8

Previous Sessions

(Ex. 3.735 or 4)

(Ex. 27.5 or 28)

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